Pernyataan Chad Hurley (YouTube) dan Bill Gates (Microsoft) tentang AGLOCO
Monday, April 23, 2007

DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) YouTube co-founder Chad Hurley made news at a meeting of some of the globe's most powerful people Saturday, announcing that his wildly successful site will start sharing revenue with its millions of users.
Chad Hurley just joined Bill Gates in endorsing exactly what AGLOCO wants to do give the economic value to the user.
Of course, like Bill Gates ($$$$$), Chad Hurley has already sold his company for $1.6 billion to Google so he can afford to be in a generous mood. And really how much will they share? Google shareholders are hoping not too much.
With AGLOCO THE Economic Network . No such conflict. The Members are the owners.
EVEN more important. The people building out the network NOW will be sharing in the $1.6 billion or whatever the value of AGLOCO becomes. This is a huge difference.
It is why I call AGLOCO a true Internet Revolution.
Join it, Support it, Make it grow. And it can really change the way the economics of the Internet will be in the future.

That said, Microsoft has the most to gain' with the success of AGLOCO. Microsoft's new AdCenter is announced to be looking at a serious effort on allowing real local ads (zip code or better). They currently have such a small share of the market they could easily do a deal with AGLOCO and not upset their current partners.
And Bill Gates has announced publicly that Microsoft wants to reward users for search.
posted by clepuk @ 12:49 AM,